Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

"Art to help the arts"
В электронном каталоге На сайте

Invoice details of the library

Federal State Institution of Culture «Russian State Art Library»

Address: 107031, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 8/1

Tel.: +7 (495) 692-86-59

TIN: 7707085611

RRC: 0701001


FTD of Moscow city (Federal State Institution of Culture «Russian State Art Library», personal account 20736Х06530)

Bank of the organization:

The Bank of the Russian Federation Main Branch of the center of financial responsibility, Moscow 35

Corporate bank account: 40501810845252000079

RCBIC 044583001

Director Ada Kolganova
Deputy director Inna Vaganova

Russian Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 91.01

Russian Classificatory of Companies & Enterprises 02173963

Primary State Registration Number 1037739274352