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On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, 22 June, RSAL Opened the Exhibition “Children Who Overcame the War” in the National Library of Belarus

Date: 05.07.2017

The day of the beginning of the greatest tragedy of the 20th century—22 June— was marked in the National Library of Belarus by the opening of the exhibition “Children Who Overcame the War.” The exposition, consisting of the childhood memories of eminent figures in national culture and photographs of the Great Patriotic War era, were brought from the Russian State Art Library (RSAL).

On 22 June 1941, children and war—these seemingly incompatible concepts—became a terrible reality for many Soviet boys and girls. But despite all the horrors and deprivation, children studied, played, worked, dreamed, and also brought Victory Day closer.

Among them are those who became the pride of the country: Muslim Magomayev, Andrei Tarkovsky, Mark Zakharov, Yevgeny Evstigneyev, Galina Vishnevskaya, Inna Makarova .... How many young lives were ended, how much talent was destroyed by the war.

Employees of the National Library of Belarus prepared the opening of the exposition as a solemn and exciting event. The carefully selected musical accompaniment and poems, speeches of First Deputy Director of the National Library of Belarus Elena Dolgopolova, Director of RSAL Ada Kolganova, and head of RSAL’s Department of Cultural Affairs Ekaterina Shumyantseva created the inimitable atmosphere of the evening.

The presentation of Viktor Lisakovich’s film Childhood in the Midst of War, created in RSAL, added a special note to the evening’s atmosphere. In the hall, even men did not hide their tears.

Many words of gratitude were heard by RSAL specialists at the opening of the exhibition. Numerous visitors noted that the exposition is especially valuable in that it makes one think about war, about the world, and about one’s place in life.

“Children Who Overcame the War” is not only an exhibition-memorial, it is an exhibition-edification for adults, that childhood should be peaceful, joyful, and happy, and nothing else!